Form of the general assembly(G.A.) and duties

It has to be an assembly for all the people in the World

1. President(chair the meeting, open and close)

2. Secretaries

3. 300 writers for the 300 countries, who will communicate to thé people in any country for thé agenda of the G.A. and the results

Important things to do in the G.A.

1. Greet the people

2. Welcome them

3. Thank them

4. Report from each country in form of 2 tables, each with two columns(The details of the tables for each country will be in Groups of 10000s)


Table 1: Column 1 for expenses including peoples' money paid(remember 10000 people per center

          2: Column 2 for incoming, including peoples' money expedited into that center.

Table 2: Column 1 for assets in a center

               Column 2 for liabilities in a center(including any payments not yet done in the ending year to Work on in the following year).

Please Work with the auditors, to verify the working, the correctness of the Work, the regulations for depreciation of value on assets, spellings especially peoples' data, numbers especially amounts, through out the year, etc to verify and appropriate.

5. For people resigning from representing, this is the time to present the list to publish together with the reports.

6. Requests from the people to assist them in their region.