Institutionalizing the Universal welfare allocations
How much is the amount of your welfare?
A - Daily amount for your welfare is three hundred thirty million euros multiplied by three hundred (or its equivalent in other currencies). After multiplying with three hundred, we take the 330 000 000 euros and miltiply it with 150 000 000 000 000(consider it, the number of peoples' currencies, Clans currencies, Tribes currencies, entreprises currencies, all other currencies).
B - The monthly amount for your welfare is the total amount in "A" multiplied by the number of days in a month.
C - The yearly amount of your welfare is the amount in "B" multiplied by the number of months in a year, basically twelve months.
But, the individual can want and decide to withdraw a small amount lower than or of his maximum daily or annual or periodical right. This is alright, but does not deprive him or her of the full rights.
Example 1: Philippe (put your name) is entitled to €330,000,000 per day. He may want and decide to withdraw €1000 in less than an hour. This does not deprive him of his right to the daily maximum.
Example 2: Rosie (put your name) is entitled to €330,000,000 per day. She may want and decide to withdraw €30 in a day. It also does not remove her maximum daily entitlement.
Example 3: Naddumba (put your name) is entitled to €330,000,000 per day. She may want and decide to withdraw €300 in a day. It also does not remove her maximum daily entitlement.
Example 4: Samuel (put your name) is entitled to €330,000,000 per day. She may want and decide to withdraw €3000 in ten hours. It also does not remove his maximum daily entitlement.
Organising payments
This institution gives an example on how we can reach every one around the world in view of sensitising them over their allocations for their welfare and where to claim them.
That means there should be places arranged for the payments.
What Can we use to pay?
1 - Get money to pay from the machine for the total population in the world.
Any sizeable amount for a bank note even one million is now accepted for the realising of the payments.
2 - Keep the money at the arranged places for payments for the people to withdraw or deposit as they like.
3 - We can use a Book today with the following columns:
A - Date of payment
B- Name of payée/receiver of payment
C - Amount paid
4 - We have to open a cash Book for the payée or receiver of payments, a Book with thé following columns:
A - Name of payée/receiver/owner as title;
B - Date of carrying out a deposit or withdrawal of money transaction;
C - Column for amounts being deposited;
D - Column for amounts being withdrawn;
E - Column for the balance After a deposit and or a withdrawal.
F- We have to transfer the amount deposited as written in "C", to the digital bank account of the person being paid. Use computors.
5 - Start receiving people for them to withdraw or bring back money to deposit and register in the cash Book of the owner.
What to do if you want to exchange an amount from one currency to another?
Go with the amount you want to exchange to a "Forex exchange bureau". It may be called in other words, but ask where foreign exchange Can be carried out using an exchange rate. Or look for a Forex bureau by surfing(making a search) on the internet.
6 - Managing your withdrawal for your payments around the world
For withdrawals of upto a hundred thousand euros or more, or its equivalent in other currencies(to obtain using an exchange rate that you can find by surfing on the internet) you Can use a bank account at a bank that has the latest technologie that permits Electronic payments, to be made around the world.
Our expectations from the universal welfare institutions and the arranged places for payments, here termed as Universal welfare payments public places.
1 - Full engagement in communication, organising, controlling, foreseeing for the publics, paying everybody and thé related elements in our table below the page.
2 - Respecting us on Time
3 - Looking for collaboratifs
4 - In the communication, informing the public through the related laws.
Thank you for your full collaborations
Increasing money currencies in the world
Countries have national currencies
Now to increases currencies each of the following groupes or communities Can produce currencies:
1- countries
2- States
3- Groups
4 - Tribes
5 - communities
6 - Languages
7 - Professions, Bachelors of studies, certificates of studies
8- Clans
9- The individual
When any of the above produces a currency, it should give to each individual in the World the equivalent of three hundred thirty million euros per day. That will permit no inequalities.
Seeing the numbers we Can produce one currency that we Can call for example: " ZALO" that we are going to give to Every body as 109 septillions multiplied by thé total number of currencies. The ZALO is equal to one Euro. This currency has an actual value of the country you are located at a given moment by applying the exchange rate.
That one currency "ZALO" will be used Also for all the other things listed in the différent pages on this site.
For each office registered for payments under a common office we oblige ourselves to have a POSTAGE box per individual. For example, we are opening a hundred thousand offices per country for these payments to reach many people. The first a hundred thousand offices should have POSTAGE boxes for each individual at the place located for the boxes with POSTAGE box numbers to give one to each individual. Individuals are obliged to check their boxes for their postage. In this case a worker or workers are employed to sort what goes into the boxes by Name of owner and his given box number. These boxes Can be used for other purposes of postage with other correspondents or people posting lettres, parcels, boxes, gifts, cards etc
Individuals' rights and protection
Individuals are invited to Work profitably at the opened offices for payments and postage to protect their rights. Through asking questions on what goes on, how, which, when, by who, to whom, to where until a problem is settlable.
Example of questions:
1. Where are my things?
2. Who can I see ?
3. When is it done?
4. Where do we sort the lettres from not to lose them in case of a request of equipment like a bank card, pin code?
5. Learning how to communicate at Work like, what has to be done, what is done, where help is needed, when to arrive, what to ask for, where things are put or displaced, new places and new things introduced, where people have Gone and when they will be back, new replacements at work, learning how to intervene like waiting for your postage everyday in a case of an order for somethin
Letters should therefore bear the name of recepient and postage box number allocated, and Name of place where boxes are located(like zone Name, local council Name, district, city, country).
Putting an information desk
Learning how to communicate at Work andvto'people from anywhere like, what has to be done, what is done, where help is needed, when to arrive, what to ask for, where things are put or displaced, new places and new things introduced, where people have Gone and when they will be back, new replacements at work, learning how to intervene like waiting for your postage everyday in a case of an order for something